Film Photography and Darkroom Workshop

Learn to shoot and develop Black and White film.
1 Theory session, 2 Outdoor shoots and 6 hours of Darkroom fun, $380 (see course outline)

We provide the camera, film and chemicals for your darkroom magic. No prior knowledge or equipment needed!

With all the aura surrounding film photography, it can be a bit intimidating for someone looking to get started in this seemingly unfamiliar and unpredictable world without any review screens or electronic displays. 

Dispelling the myth that shooting film equates to shooting blinded or shooting film is for the pros, you would use this workshop to build upon your technical knowledge and have fun taking photographs the good old way — by reading light and composing in the viewfinder. Slow down. Have fun. 

If you think shooting film is fun, just wait till you step into our darkroom and process the photos from the shoot and watch the image appear, seemingly out of nothingness, under the red safelight. It never fails to make our participants gasp!

At the end of the workshop, you would shed away your insecurities, review screens and histograms; instead shoot with confidence without having to chimp or scroll through your photos while shooting. Well, even if you want to, you can’t. 

You’ll make images like they have been made for well over a century and have control on every part of the image from the shoot to the final print.

Course Requirements

Participants may bring their own film camera (SLR or rangefinder with manual exposure capability). Cameras (if you do not have one), black and white film, chemicals and printing papers will be provided for the workshop. 

Course Schedule

Due to the current COVID-19 situation all darkroom workshops will only allow a maximum of 4 signups
    February 2021 Class 1
  1. 10 February 2021, 7.30–9.30pm (Theory)
  2. 13 February 2021, 8–10am and 6–8pm (Day and Night Shoots)
  3. 14 February 2021, 10am-5pm (Darkroom Session)
    February 2021 Class 2
  1. 23 February 2021, 7.30–9.30pm (Theory)
  2. 27 February 2021, 8–10am and 6–8pm (Day and Night Shoots)
  3. 28 February 2021, 10am-5pm (Darkroom Session)

Click here to sign up now

Course Outline

Lesson detailsTopics covered and learning objectives
Lesson 1

Location: Studio

  1. Introduction to Film Photography

  2. Types of film cameras and their quirks

  3. Films and film speeds

  4. When to use which film?

  5. Reciprocity rule and failure in films

  6. Concept of correct exposure

  7. Metering techniques

  8. Working with a lightmeter

Lesson 2
Outdoor shoot

Location: Fort Canning Park

    Photo Shoot
  1. Achieving correct exposure in the field 

  2. Exposing for contrasty subjects

  3. Working with negative and slide films

  4. Working with lightmeters 

    Learning Objectives
  1. Putting technical and compositional concepts from lesson 1 into action 

  2. Understanding metering systems and how they work 

Lesson 3
Low Light Shoot

Location: Studio and town area

  1. Shooting in low light

  2. Reciprocity failure and its effects

  3. Metering techniques for low light photography

  4. Bracketing exposures

  5. Working with flash

    Guided Shoot
  1. Shooting in low light

  2. Calculating exposure and compensation for reciprocity effects. 

  3. Flash exposure and bracketing with flash

Lesson 4 Darkroom Introduction

Location: Analog Film Lab

    Introduction to the Darkroom
  1. Darkroom Etiquette

  2. Loading films in the dark

  3. Chemicals and their uses

  4. Controlling contrast and density of negatives

  5. Understanding processing errors and troubleshooting

Lesson 5 Workshop Debrief

Location: Analog Film Lab

    Workshop Review and Debrief
  1. Review of participants’ photos

  2. Digitising and working with film scans

  3. Introduction to printing in the darkroom

Sign up for Film Photography



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    Camera Make and Model (Optional)



    Remarks (Optional. If you’re bringing a friend, let us know the name and contact details of your friend here.) 

    By clicking on the ‘Register’ button below, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 

    1. To ensure your enrollment, fees must be paid in full within 3 days of receiving our invoice, or before the start of the workshop, whichever earlier. 

    2. You are able to attend the classes of your chosen session, as well as any special wet weather arrangement, as listed under Course Schedule. 

    3. There will be no make up lessons, transfers or refunds should you be absent for any of the lessons. 

    4. You have read and agree to our full sales & refund policy.

    5. Workshop fees once paid cannot be refunded for any reasons other than those stated in our full sales & refund policy. 

    6. You are responsible for the safety of yourself and your equipment during the workshop, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Phocus Pte. Ltd., its instructors and employees from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages and and costs resulting from taking part in the workshop. 

    I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions.